| - The best part of town square is the parking!!! Any other mall or shopping center you have to go through the parking garage find a spot, yadda yadda, ....
Here you can park right in front of your favorite store. How awesome is that... yeah there's a meter , takes quarters, big deal.... This is also they did not get 5 stars... the concierge did not have change, she said she was out & sent me the the Claim Jumper down the way a short walk, But she should have went herself (I think) anyways scenery is nice, very nice.
Shops are classy a little upscale, not cheap by any means but its a mall... not the fashion show but there are a few top designers. Not to mention close to home,
Hey, I think I have to go to anchor blue tonight....
Oh yeah, Rave Motion Pictures is there too, really nice clean movie spot.