| - This place is hit or miss depending on the crowd, but I always seem to have a good time here! Arraived around 10pm to meet one of the promoters, and he took great care of us. Girls in free, guys in for $20, no wait, free drink for girls through 12pm (who does this), awesome AC system, and just AMAZING service all around.
On top of all that the music was damn good. The DJ kept it rocking through the early morning hours with the perfect mix of hip hop, dance, and top 40! And if that isn't enough, the lights, go-go dancers, and acrobatics definitely took it to the next level.
The only criticism that I have about this place is the fact that the club is heavy on the tables and a light on the dance floor. Great if you want to drop a couple G's and have an area to dance with your friends, but not so awesome if packed like a sardine on the dance floor. Probably could have used another 20-40 square to spread my wings, but we made it happen anyway!
Overall I would say that this was one of the EASIEST and MOST FUN experiences that I've had in Vegas. Everything came together and we rocked it out all night! Thank you Las Vegas! #hazekicksass