I'm saddened by my need to venture further than a block away to purchase items that one may typically find at drug stores. While I frequent this establishment due to it's proximity to my home and GREATLY appreciate that they carry Pepsi and Mountain Dew THROWBACK, their selection of typical drug store goods can sometimes be disappointing.
While I know that not everyone wants Arm and Hammer naturals unscented deodorant or Wax Strips for body hair removal or women's electric shavers, I have come up short searching for all of these items in this location, making me head to Oakland's CVS where the young college kids must buy more hair removal products and hippy deodorants.
Service is very friendly but typically snail-paced. And finally, when I say I don't need a plastic bag I honestly mean it, sweet old cashier lady. For realz. I have two hands that are remarkably useful for carrying things. Though I do appreciate your concern :)
The three stars are given for convenience of location, carrying Pepsi and Mt Dew Throwback (HFCS is whack), and the ability to get $100 cash back per purchase and allowing local residents to use your parking lot as a through-street due to the convoluted design of the immediate area; for these things I thank you.