I used to love this bar because it was a Christmas dive bar, it has now turned into a money machine at Christmas and quite frankly they're rude. While I was waiting in line one bouncer harassed a group of people who had just gotten out of an Uber and then screamed to the front of line bouncer to not let any people in. I was third from line and mentioned my entire family was in there and asked if they were going to let more people in (seeing as though a steady stream of people were coming out). The bouncer gave me a snark remark and proceed to call me a "prissy b****" and they said if anyone in my family came up to the front to see me they'd kick them out of the bar. I've never been so disrespected and insulted in my life. I will never spend a single dollar of my money here ever again. At the end of the day that dollar goes to fund a security member who was brazen enough to call a patron a "f****** b****" so no thank you.