| - Oh Walgreens, what would I have done with out you? So, the night before (more like the morning of) our trip I was desperately searching for my nail polish I had bought specifically for this trip. Well I couldn't find it but figured I'd get some when I got to Vegas. Well, thank goodness my boyfriend and his friend stumbled upon you while they were strolling the Fremont Experience. After my long sleep, my boyfriend took me here and I immediately bolted for the nail polish. Sadly, they don't carry all the nail polish brands, but the one I recognized and actually liked, was only 1.99 here! Super happy about that! Then, we came back several times more because the stuff we needed cost soooo much more at our hotel than here. After paying $3+ for a 16 oz. cup of lemonade (mostly filled up with ice), I went and bought a gallon of lemonade for only $2.50 and lasted me till the end of my trip.
So note to self folks, if you want just a soda, or any kind of mixer or for you who don't drink, come here, get your drinks and just get a cup (can find several plastic cup stations in front of casinos (since you cannot have glassware out in the public areas of Fremont) and get ice from your hotel, or better yet purchase a reusable cup with lid and tote that around with you!
I would totally come back here for anything I may need if I stay in the Fremont area again. Thanks for being there for us!!!!