I live in the central phoenix area and this was the best reviewed office around so i decided to give them a shot. My 5mo old puppy had a bit of nasal discharge this morning and after reading up about it online, i decided to seek a professional opinion. This clinic opens at 7am, I called around 7:15 am and got through to their messaging service. The friendly operator said someone will get back with me shortly. An our and a half later, still no call so I brought my puppy in. The front desk and staff were very friendly and let me use a room to wait in due to the condition of my pup. The vet came to see me after 45 minutes of waiting and was surprisingly uninformational, took the pups temperature took a look at him and said "well it could be anything really".
I honestly got more information from reading webmd than from going to see Dr. Halver. He prescribed my pup $66 antibiotics and $45 nasal drops on top of a $57 exam fee. I would say comparatively this place is very expensive and I did not feel important to the doctor there. Will not be visiting this clinic again.