| - So, how much do you like hamburgers? Do you like them enough to pay $8 for one? Do you like them enough to willingly go near ASU? If you're still nodding your head, chances are good that you'll like Smashburger.
As burger joints go, it's one of the nicer ones--clean, stylish decor, and friendly employees are big pluses here. You will pay for those pluses though, when you find yourself forking over more than $10 for the prototypical burger, fries, and high fructose corn syrup drink of your choice.
What you'll get for that ten-spot is somewhat distinctive though. Smashburger's claim to fame, of course, is the way that they seer the burger patty, thus getting it piping hot in a hurry. What this means for you is that you'll be the proud owner of one of the messier burgers in America. Grab plenty of napkins and plan to wear a shirt you don't mind getting greasy.
I suppose the fries are a love em'/hate 'em affair. If you're a traditionalist, prepare to be annoyed: Smashfries are doused in oil and herbs. They make a nice taste, but get old pretty quickly and I've never been able to finish an order.
Though hardly cheap or perfect, I like Smashburger on occasion as it's a nice change from the usual fast food fare.