I started coming here at the recommendation of a friend years ago because I needed emergency work done.
At first I thought they were great. The staff seemed to actually be concerned about my teeth but gradually they kept recommending additional procedures and work that caused me to lose credibility in them.
For one, I've had a loose bottom tooth ever since I can remember. It hasn't gotten worse in 10 years time but they recommended I go see a specialist before havinging it pulled and having a bridge done.
Another incident is they built a bridge for me that they said was permanent. Well ti wasn't and they said when it was removed that "It lasted longer than we thought it would".
So now I'm considering implants but Dr. Drake is telling me I need 5 crowns and pronto. Which I disagree with. Judging by the comments of other people on here, I think they are just looking to gouge you for money. I am already looking for a new dentist.
If you just need a cleaning, this place is great but beware of the extras they want to stick you with and consider getting a 2nd opinion.