If you enjoy excessive vomiting, uncontrollable diarrhea, and being bedridden for days, then SmashBurger is the place to go!
Only $6.99 + tax and you'll be served up a hidden dose of food poisoning in your favorite flavor - mine was chicken avocado... Mmm! Oh, and that price doesn't even include fries or a drink to wash down the feeling of regret!
Im not sure if it was the tiny tomato slices, the browning avocado, or the overly flattened chicken that made me drop ill. It also could have been the three miniaturized slices of swine or potentially moldy bread. To be honest I didn't think I was required to pre-inspect my food!
Meanwhile, next door at Chipotle, patrons queue up for a delectable Mexican meal in herds. All seemingly with the understanding that it's worth standing in line for an extra 20 minutes to order from a Mexican fast food than to sacrifice their stomach and next 48 hours for SmashBurger.