I went here tonight because I had a coupon for buy one Whopper get one free...the time was 10:35 when I pulled up to the drive thru menu, and the girl on the other end is obviously laughing and giggling over the intercom with a co worker...so finally she is like "Can I take you order?" I tell her what I want...and that I have the coupon for the two whoppers BOGO. She says "What's the coupon #, anything else?" I say I would like cheese on that and she then gives me my total. Not asking if I wanted anything else, I didn't. But she still didn't ask. So she is like "please drive around." So as I round the corner of the drive thru there is two cars in front of me and the first car is pulling out. So I am thinking, great I will have my food soon. I had worked a 13 hour shift so I was really hungry.
15 minutes later I am still sitting in my truck waiting I have not moved nor is the car in front of me...I can see the people in front of me are as just as frustrated. I finally am like screw this and proceed to back out of the drive thru no easy feet in a big truck. It is 10:50. As I am backing out they shut off all the lights to the drive thru and all the building signs...ridiculous. Worst experience ever at a Burger King, I will be calling to speak to the owner or franchise manager tomm.
Will never come here again.