| - came back this past monday for the last party rock monday for the year, and i can just say simply that it did not disappoint. sure it got super crowded, but what else would you expect. there was a mix up with my promoter and getting us on the list which i thought was going to ruin the night because i thought they were going to make us go to general admission, but i showed the bouncer with the list my text messages with the promoter and he ended up comping my admission to get in for the mess up which was super cool. girls got free drinks wristbands which were good for an hour, but the bartenders were fast so we ended up getting a lot of drinks. a lot of the girls were dressed in the party rock attire and some of the guys were too, but i was a little annoyed because they were saying that the regular dress code would be applied but it didn't seem like it was so i felt a little out of place in slacks, dress shoes, button up, and tie, but oh well i still party rocked all night long. staff was really cool and nice so i didn't have a problem with any of them. this seems to be my go to club as it is the only one that i have been back to multiple times
the one thing that still amazes me about here is that belvedere is their well vodka. that still blows my mind, and then they ask if it is ok they are using it. are you kidding, i thought you guys were going to use smirnoff or popov or something