Ok so I travel a lot to az to take care of my elderly parents and of course I have to bring my spoiled brats with me . Now I know Ceaser Milan would probably bitch smack me in front of my tiny Angels but I'm a gangsta so my tiny gang of tyrants and I don't fear danger. Now unlike the responsible adult I always call last minute and guess what they always manage to welcome my little babies . To make my demands more difficult and hard to work with , I do not want my pups thrown in a cage in a cold we won't touch you environment , they need to be in a home like atmosphere with other doggies to worship them. And they get it with this company in fact when they stay over night Mara or Theresa even let them cuddle with them or give them a snuggly warm bed with a pack of devout followers . Usually I would say " you're welcome " for leaving you in aw of my four legged Angels , but in this case thank you thank you thank you !