The family and I were at the Scottsdale Quarter a couple of weeks ago just walking around looking for a place to eat so we decided to try Grimaldi's. It was on. Sunday at around 2:00pm and it was not very crowded at all. Most of the patio tables were occupied, but inside was somewhat empty. When we walked up to the host/hostess stand we told them we wanted a table for four, two adults and two young children. We were immediately told that there would be a 30 minute wait because the pizza ovens were at capacity so they could not seat anymore tables. That was a first for me. Half the inside was empty, the patio was 95% occupied, not incredibly busy at all, but the ovens were at capacity??? I guess I had "Gullible Idiot" written across my forehead or something. It was obvious that they had other issues going on, either short of staff or something else, but at least tell the truth. A pizza restaurant half empty and the ovens are full... yeah fine, if you don't want our business that is fine. End result... I was so turned off by the treatment and attitude of the guy who handled us I just walked out. No way to treat a family at all. There are plenty of other places worthy of my money that appreciate my business. Hey Grimaldi's, get your act together if you are not planning in turning away more business in the future. I personally will not attempt a second time.