Highly disappointed. I have seen several shows to include travelling shows and Ka has got to be my least favorite of the Cirque du Soleil. I feel like it wasn't to the standard Cirque has set for its shows.
I do not blame the actors, they did their part. The show just needs a trip back to the drawing board. However, there were a couple of very memorable scenes but they could not save the show.
My boyfriend fell asleep and he is a bigger fan of the shows then me. Also, judging by the audinence's reaction I can say that the majority of people were unimpressed as well. Very little clapping and zilch awe's and oh's.
There are built in speakers in the seats. Probably to keep you alert, which you will definitely need when watching this show. Unfortunately, it was not enough to keep my bf awake.
Upon entry into the theatre it looks as though some crazy shit is gonna go down. There are several huge columns on either side from floor to ceiling but don't let that fool you, actors do a bit of swinging between the different levels, that's pretty much it.
Maybe if this is your first Cirque show you would be in love, but as for this girl I can say I am not. I wish I could recommend this show; it doesn't make me feel good to write a negative review... it just wasn't for me or the boyfriend.
Side note: Was the music and singing live? Not that it would have saved the show, but it is what I have come to expect when seeing these shows