We have quest coming in on Sunday so I wanted to have some nice tenderloin filets to grill. I needed 6 - 6oz. filets. The sign on the meat counter said "We cut to order." Sounds good. They were not very busy, but I still had to wave some one down. The girl came over like she was walking down death row. She wanted to know what I would like, so I told her 6 - 6oz tenderloins. While she was working on my order, I checked out some other things in the meat counter - Big Mistake. When I got home, I unwrapped the tenderloins. I could not believe my eyes. The biggest piece was 8.4oz & the smallest was 4.8. Not one was anywhere near 6oz. I'll have to give her credit though - there were 6 pieces. Needless to say, I took them back. The customer service girl was very nice but she was more concerned about how to credit my account so there really wasn't much time for "sorry about that" or "we'll make this right." She was kind enough to tell me that there had been a shift change so maybe I would have better luck. So I march back to the meat department thinking that I would get some nice cuts. Again they were not busy and a gentleman came right over. I told him about the variety of cut that I had gotten earlier and him gave me a look like "so?" I asked him about the "cut to order" sign. "You do that don't you?" "Well (and he gave me a look like if you put a gun to my head I would) we really don't have much to select from." I walked away to the precut area - nothing.
So, I ask you - "What happen to good customer service?" I have a list of places that give good customer service and those that don't. Fry's just when to the top of those that don't.
If you want good meat go to Sam's or Costco.