With sadness I write this review because I So wanted this to be my go-to shoe and leather repair place. It's convenient to where I live and next to Whole Foods, but one can't fit a square peg in a round hole. This place has lost its way. The quality of the work was just so-so ( sloppy and lacking details and care) BUT what overshadowed this was the horrific customer service. I had brought in some expensive boots to have the heel repaired right before I went out of town for two weeks. When I returned to pick them up in between a busy life, kids, work, travel etc I had (god forbid) misplaced their little blue pick up ticket.
This is where everything went downhill.
The owner seemed ok with it but the worker (a man in his 50's) became unglued. He started berating me about how this will now take him " forever to find my boots and how irresponsible I was and how I should have done a better job keeping track of my little blue ticket etc etc" this went on for a while. I explained that I was sorry and would help give description to assist him find them.
The fumes in the shoe shop were quite strong so I calmly gave him a description of the boots and my number and told him to take his time and to call me when he found them. About 3 minutes later he calls me screaming at me again that he found the shoes and continued on about what a dire mistake this was to misplace the little blue ticket. It was like I had killed his cat or something. The owner was telling him to stop but the man kept going. I quickly ran in to get my shoes and pay. There was another customer in front of me. The man started with " see, this customer kept his ticket. He's the good one unlike you"
I was so shocked and speechless I wanted no small talk with the owner and he tried to deflect from his employees behavior. I just told him I wanted to pay and would never be coming back. The owner should have fired him on the spot for treating a customer this way and yet he just stood there like an innocent bystander. I was disgusted. This didn't need to be, but the owner chose this. customer service can make or break a business and this one is going downhill quick. I will NEVER go back.