I like it. I don't love it. It needs work but shows promise as a premiere Old-Town lunch spot.
This location is worth fighting for and good for them for occupying it. It has that nestled in/hidden feeling that adds an adventurous ambience to what could have been just a standard lunch spot if put anywhere else. The simply fresh menu mixed with the idea of fresh AZ cider about to hit your palette speaks to the soul. Throw in their soon to be up and running soda bar and ice cream sundaes and you have a staple in Old-Town Scottsdale.
-Cider Mill Dip: fresh classic take on a French Dip with homemade pasta salad.
-Hot Apple Cider: once this steamy treat cooled down, it was worth it.
-Chili with Noodles, Cheese, Onion & Beans: I was told this is referred to as
"Cincinnati style." Chili...on noodles? It was good stuff and
even a bit sweet to the taste.
-Chop Salad (no lettuce): Looked good but not my cup of tea.
Everything was good....not great. The service felt like it was their first day of business. So basically, there was no service or mood or energy in the place but as soon as they figure that out (and they will) this place will be good to go.