| - Apparently I love to get my hair cut while out of town. And coming from a guy who BARELY gets his hair cut (and truthfully, BARELY has any hair to cut) that means that most of the haircuts of the last 5 years of my life have happened at random out of town spots.
Well, folks, add Mesa to the mix. That's where I got my hair cut today, and that's the latest locale where I lopped my locks.
Men and women of Mesa, take note: you can get your hair cut here, too. You don't have to a be an out of town vagabond. They're here every day chopping away, and you can walk in for a trim. Actually, as I discovered today, they're really pushing this whole "check in online" thing and have a specific app you can also download. I haven't looked at it, but if it sets a reminder for your haircut then I'm totally into it. I only seem to remember at the most inopportune and rushed times (ie. "Oh crud, I'm going to be on TV tomorrow morning and I look like Ringo.")
As for the cutters--they weren't the most personable peeps on the block, but when it came down to it they all seemed to know what they were doing. My cutress was a nice enough lady and cut pretty quickly. I didn't get the courtesy ear trim (sexy, I know) but I also didn't ask for it. I did, however, get the courtesy eyebrow trim. So that was a bonus I only seem to get at 1 out of 10 haircutteries.