| - My initial goal for the day was looking for a winter jacket that could last and also be comfortable to wear. I could not, however, do that online. So I had to come in.
From the start, I dreaded going to the location in Eaton Centre because I know how stuffy the sales associates can be. Me, being a little chubby and what not, I knew I was gonna be judged right when I stepped into the store.
So, as I entered the store "one of them" actually smiled warmly at us which was surprising BUT as I looked around looking at jackets another "one of them" came up to us and RELUCTANTLY asked us if we wanted a size on a rack we JUST started ruffling through... I paused and looked at my shopping partner and said, "I think she's looking for a size" but before I even said that, she was already slowly walking away.. which irritated me a little bit. And as I said that, she rolled her eyes and turned around. I was so shocked at her attitude that I looked at my shopping partner, my jaw on the floor, and shook our heads and ignored her because she was still backing away very slowly (like we wouldn't notice.. NICE TRY).
My shopping partner was angrier than me as she ranted about it the whole time we were in there. The same woman went to the back and I could tell she was talking crap about us as they kept looking at us. I'm appalled she even came back to even talk to us and tried to be "fake-nice" to us AFTER the fact that she was rude to us the first time. My shopping partner and I did NOT want to deal with her again so we turned her down. She was like, "I'm just trying to help" and rolled her eyes and walked away. Like, what?? SHE WASNT EVEN TRYING IN THE FIRST PLACE. I ended up finding a jacket I liked ON MY OWN, bought it, and let another sales associate know about our experience. She apologized profusely but it still doesn't change the fact that people like that woman are still working in the customer services industry with NO hospitality at all..