| - I love love love this studio!
I relocated here from New York where I was practicing Modo for two years. I love the studio in New York and was worried when I moved to Las Vegas that there wasn't a Modo studio. Lo and behold, shortly after I moved, MYLV opened up and it is a wonderful new home with great people and awesome classes!
I love the Modo Studio in Las Vegas for the amazing instructors, the classes, the philosophy, and the atmosphere.
Every instructor is amazing - I've taking classes from Ashley, Kirk, J.P., Heba, and visiting instructors and they all are knowledgeable, helpful, wonderful instructors.
The classes include:
The classic Modo classes - a combination of static poses and flow - it is accessible for beginners and the level of challenge grows with your practice and as your body is able to achieve. And if you want, there is a Modo Level 2 to try out as well once you've become accustomed to the Modo Level 1 classes.
Modo flow - a bit more strenuous than modo with a bit more flow series.
Pilates - in the hot room - and super strenuous, works muscles I didn't know I had
a restorative Yin class - I love this class for stretching out my fascia and joints - really great for easing out the compressions from my desk job and the tension from hiking. It is relaxing but slow extended stretching is surprisingly challenging in a good way. After one of these classes I feel completely refreshed.
There's other classes too -- this is just a few of them.
The outside room is a wonderful place to spend time with wonderful people. It's not just an awkward brightly lit antechamber that is a thoroughfare to the lockers and studio as it is in many yoga studios. It is inviting, comfortable, and a great place to have some tea and to get to know your fellow yogis/yoginis.
As some background on Modo, the practice is based on seven pillars - Be Healthy, Be Accessible, Live Green, Sanga Support, Reach Out, Live to Learn, and Be Peace, and this studio exemplifies all seven pillars and this philosophy is woven throughout everything the studio does.
Health -- it's not just about the yoga, it's about the healthy products they promote at the studio, and the healthy products they use in the studio.
Accessibility - all the classes are accessible, as well as the instructors and the studio. If you step into a class and realize 'OMG I don't know half of the stuff I'm supposed to do' or 'ZOMG I can't bend myself into that position' the instructors help you with getting the proper form, modifications for where your body is at this moment in time, etc.etc.
Live green - the materials and decor in the studio is green, sustainable, and uses a lot of up-cycled materials (and it is beautiful!).
Sangha (community) support - this studio *is* a community. Just stepping into Modo and it is like crossing a threshold into a yoga home. A wonderfully supportive and warm environment.
Reach Out - the studio offers Karma classes - $5 minimum donation - which goes to charity, and they have a "Karma Piggy Bank" where contributions for water, tea, or just 'cuz, goes to charity as well.
Live to Learn - This goes without saying. All of the instructors have a passion for learning and growing, and it inspires learning in others.
Be Peace - just visit the studio and find out!