If you are looking for a non smoking hotel be advised that this IS A SMOKING hotel. You can complain, you can report and NOTHING will be done. Yes, they will do a walk by but it's up to YOU to tell them who is doing it and in what room which is somewhat difficult when multiple guests are smoking. When you get off the elevator and smell smoke then start knocking on the doors to find the people doing it. The non smoking guests will appreciate you getting rid of the smokers! It's hard to focus on any positive attributes when the staff acts like they care and does nothing. It behooves the hotel to catch these smokers theoretically as they claim there is a fine for doing so however I believe they are more focused on occupancy instead. So, I may only be one guest who complained however this property loses in the long run with future loss of business. We are connected to a corporation who values our feedback and will let it be known