My friend and I were in the mood for steak.
Look around and it's the wrong neighborhood for steak.
Second craving was Asian food.
Not knowing a whole lot about Chinese cuisine, we relied on which of the 10 or so restaurants in this area had the most clientele from that part of the world.
It kinda lets me know how authentic something is
I pass by here a lot and never saw this place that opened about a year ago.
Don't tell the language police but there are almost no signs in French or English, a pretty good sign it caters to ex-pats.
This place specializes in cuisine from the Hubei province in China, the waitress said they eat pretty spicy, which is an understatement.
Lordy lord is this food spicy, and I love spicy.
The general Tao was the least spicy, sauce not too sweet and the breading was perfectly crisp.
The beef schezuan was pretty savoury and had a peppery kick.
The one dish that was over the top was the spicy fish swimming in a chili pepper broth.
The fish was perfect, the seasoning very strong and a couple of teaspoons of the soup helped to warm up very quickly.
The service was OK, not amazing but in line with other similar places.
The prices are from $9 for the chicken to over $15 for some dishes.
There are some dishes that are way out of my taste palate like duck blood cake and beef tripes, but if it's your thing, this is the place.