This review is for the emergency room, which was fantastic. I had a minor accident when I fell off a hill while playing soccer and I had a deep avulsion on my leg. This was the nearest hospital nearby. My friends took me here and their attention and care was very good. I dislike hospitals but this hospital is unlike others hospitals. I was worried sick I've cause something bad to my leg, but the staff and doctors made it feel at ease. Even the security guard came to check on me and told me I'd be fine. One of their nurse completely turned the worrisome I had to pure positive energy. She did my x rays with so much care and gave me a blanket to feel better. Honestly I've never had any stitches in any part of my body and the doctor who performed them on me was professional and even asked me if I wanted to watch her out stitches in my leg. She made this whole horrid experience much better. I lost tissue and skin on my right leg, and this hospital not only made me feel better but truly showed me no matter how bad of a situation you're in, there's always a positive side to life. I remember crying my heart after I was injected morphine to alleviate the pain and burst of my lacerated leg. It's almost 2 years later and just as the doctors said I'll be good x10, from a 1, to a 10 the emergency room is a 10. The care for their patients is undivided.