Normally I wouldn't review this type of place but when I went in a few weeks ago I got such exceptional service that I figured it was worth it.
As far as a sports shop goes this is the pretty standard place with tons of apparel at not so great prices.
The service I got was great though. I came in in a rush to get a black ASU shirt for the black out game against Oregon (and thats all i am saying about that game). I found a shirt pretty quick and it was $25 more than the $20 I planned on spending but whatever.
As I went to checkout the sales guy mentioned that they had a promotion for a $5 ASU hat with the purchase of that shirt. He asked the other guy to see if there were any left. The hat was the same one I already had but since I go through hats like crazy I was fine picking one I liked up for $5. They were out of that but the sales guy saw me looking at another one and said he would give that to me for the $5.
I was really surprised and him saying "I told you about the offer, it wouldn't be fair to not let you get something." That type of attitude and thinking today is rare and I appreciated it.