Supafresh is a frequent life saver for me, with a total trip time of three minutes from apartment door to fruit aisle. I find it useful for each of the following emergencies:
* Late night kitty litter runs
* Late night watermelon runs
* Late night drink mix runs
* Late night grape runs
The place is open 24/7, so it's a frequent lifesaver (oh no! The cats are out of food! Super Fresh Mart to the rescue!). Lots of things are a little more 'spensive than your local Sobeys, but it works in a pinch (I suffer many pinches). Good fruit selection - I buy lots of pre-chopped watermelon and ripe avocados, and the grapes are often le best.
If I didn't live in the neighbourhood, there would be no real need to make a special trip; if Pusateri's is open, I'll usually go there for my produce and bottled water instead. But otherwise SFM gets lotsa love from me for their polite cashiers and late night rescue remedies.