READ THESE REVIEWS! I was a "tourist", in Vegas for a class and a spark plug blew in my truck - $740 later!!!!! "and we gave you a discount"... they told me they had to remove the manifold to get to it AFTER my CA mechanic spent 30 minutes on the phone "teaching their 30 year Ford veteran" a better way! My truck never made it 40 miles and they tried to tell me to call AC Delco - they're gonna hear about it too! for a one year warranty, $1200 to tow my truck to southern California. AND I'M DISABLED! these people are IDIOTS, inefficient screw jobs!!! The owner Tom Massey sits on his fat bottom in the back and lets the "nice Office Mgr lady" screw you royally. THEY ARE UNQUALIFIED. my mechanic replaced SIX plugs, casings, filters, etc for $780! I've got all the paperwork to prove it. Then after months of being upset I sent a letter to Massey he has the audacity to tell me it was another plug causing the problem. HE NEEDS TO GO TO AN ENGLISH CLASS TO LEARN TO READ! Morons, thieves, AMAZING they are still in business... everyone needs to complain to NV Atty General, Better Business Bureau and write their honest horrific experiences EVERYWHERE you can write a review for this place. I'm even calling the local paper. ITS A DISGRACE THEY ARE SO INCOMPETENT.