I often walk pass this restaurant and it is always packed.
A couple of co-workers decided to stop by after work. We have heard great things about the 3 Brewers, one being that they brew their own beer.
Two rounds of beer pitcher, Brown Ale and Amber Ale. Great beer! - This did prompt us to use the facility more often than we would like. One note on the washroom at the 3 Brewers... you have to go through many flight of stairs, up and down, in order to get to their washroom. It's not a maze, but it certainly is a little more 'work' than I am used to - maybe I am just lazy!
As for the dinner selection, I couldn't decide between the "Moulin Rouge" and the Braised Lamb Shank. The server says that both are super popular; I ended up with the Moulin Rouge. Great choice I have to say. There are a lot of fillings on the flat bread - I love the spicy steak and the mushroom. As matter of fact, there were so much fillings that the flat bread had a hard time keeping them all on there! I love it when a restaurant is being generous!
I will definitely come back again to try their Braised Lamb Shank.
If you haven't tried this restaurant, I highly recommend you to.