| - I've never even heard of this place until we walked right up to it. I saw a lot of celebrity pictures on the walls, if it's good enough for Martha Stewart then it's good enough for me damn it! Our host/waiter looked like he jumped out of a Metallica concert, long hair, long beard, tattoos and piercings, that sure makes me hungry for breakfast food. He was giddy that we've never been there before and started to blurt out the history of the restaurant and blah blah blah, I just want some food yo! So he sat us down by the bar area, which was fine but it was 10 in the morning and it's too early for that shit right now, but whatever it's Vegas. I ordered french toast, eggs & sausage... but what I got was this mess of pecans & bananas all over my plate, I thought they brought me the wrong order at first, but I guess if you order french toast it automatically comes with bananas & pecans thrown on top of it. I cleared all that crap aside and ate the french toast, scrambled eggs & sausage, it was delicious. Also, they have this strawberry preserves/jam thing in a metal cup on the table, do yourself a favor and get some white toast w/butter and chug that stuff down, it is goooooood. I would come back for more, but it's a little over the top if you know what I mean, they don't have to try so hard to be different or unique... just let it happen.