| - Armand's is usually dirty. It is smoky, and filthy. The ladies bathroom embodies everything I hate in a bathroom - the toilet is too close to the wall, the sink has those push-button knobs, there is an air-hand dryer, and the door opens the wrong way. The patrons are occasionally rowdy, sometimes hostile. I have (more than once) gotten into a fight there with straight people about how gay I am. In all fairness, it may not be totally necessary to discuss lesbian oral sex techniques loudly over your 4th pitcher of beer for the night, except when it *totally is.*
Regardless, this is a typical Pittsburgh Y*nzer filthy bar, a stand-in for those of us who miss Dukes, cheaper than dirt, staffed by wild rogues with hearts of gold, and maintaining totally erratic hours. No, I have never eaten their fish sandwich. I don't eat animal flesh, so I can't tell you if it's as good as they claim.