Excellent venue! We went to a sold out game and bought on StubHub. Guy on craigslist had seats next section over in Budweiser Club section. No difference. ALL seats are great! Save the $$ for food. Beers $9, hotdogs 3-6 depending on size, toppings, pretzels $4, Salsaritas, and other food concessions there. BEAUTIFUL sky line shot of downtown CLT. SUPER CLEAN! Tons more restrooms in the middle than on the side sections. Lots of places to eat or drink nearby. Starbucks up a street on the corner. Pay to park in the parking lot across the street for $5. Easy out and beats all of the traffic. Get there around 5-530 and walk around for a 7 pm game. Get parking, go eat, get a snack etc. Was a GREAT time! We will go back!