in April of 2000 I walked into an educational program that changed my life. At the time I was a computer programmer and spent all my time sitting (hiding?) behind a computer screen. After completing the Landmark Forum I changed. And how I saw the world changed. I no longer wanted to sit behind a computer and hide from the world. I wanted more. Today, I attribute my success as a RealtorĀ®, business owner, and human being to the tools I learned in the Landmark programs. Since I've completed the Landmark Forum I have traveled all over the world (I had never left the country before the Forum), I've raised large sums of money for organizations that make a difference in the world, I have started and operated four businesses, three business networking groups, and I have experienced life in ways I never could have imagined. Life still occurs as a struggle from time to time but with the tools and training I've received from Landmark I'm never too far from my next breakthrough and victory. Life is good. Landmark programs make it better.