We have gone to this McDonald's often and our experience has not been well. In one week I got orders free because the cashier I think he didn't really care. I placed an order and then gave him a coupon for a free icecream cone...he looked confused and gave me the order free. Again that same week it happened again. I asked if I could speak to a manager but they were too busy. I am 54 years old and not looking for a freebie.Been in corporate America too long. So today we went to get a large fry and $10.00 dollar gift certificate. They were out of gift cards and large fry packs so we got one medium fry and one small. I just feel bad for the owners because they are loosing a lot of money. If it has happened to us I am sure it has happened to others. The cashiers would rather converse with their friends rather than taking care of the customers. Today was the last straw we will be going to the McDonalds onhwy. 601, Concord, NC