Used to be a regular here when they had much more varieties and a pretty good discounted rate with players card. I came by here again and they decide to cut losses (they haven't been doing as good as they used to many years ago. No more clubs here and now changing many other things).
So they decide no more discounts with the players card unless you get the next card level. To top it off, they changed up their menu. I was wondering why there is no more long lines to this buffet like it used to. Now i know why.
In terms of menu, they decide to make it more fancy and did a little wicked spoon buffet style (at the cosmopolitan) with the food in little individual trays. First of all, they are not wicked spoon. Second, don't think they are prepped and equipped for it as way they did it was to have silver covers to cover the serving area to place those little plates on which in turn cuts down on their selections they used to have. I loved it when they had lots more choices. Another example of not being equipped is by placing food on top of those covers, there isn't heat coming from bottom of them nor heat lamps above, which makes most of the individual dishes i got were COLD. The risotto was a lil warm but the meat loaf was cold! Lastly, don't know if they changed out chefs but some of the new and changed items are not bad while others were too salty.
They should've done a trial run of changing things one step at a time with food first then prices a little later. With the increase in prices, cut down on selections and cold foods, sucks to say but don't think this used to be regular visitor will be coming back anymore unless they change things back.