This is a fantastic hiking trail! You get there from going North up Scottsdale Road then turn Right on Happy Valley, go East to Alma School and turn left. The trail is 4 miles overall (2 in and 2 out) and rises quickly. There are basically 2 peaks. The 1st has a view platform that looks North. It describes other mountain formations and points them out with markers. The second looks South and does much the same except that you can see the Phoenix and metro areas. This is a popular hiking trail so if you are planning a weekend excursion remember that the parking is limited so you may have to park away from the hiking trail entrance but it's only about 1/4 mile or so away. They have bathrooms, a fountain for water and a shade area. Be sure to stretch as there are a lot of stairs going up and coming down. Some take a walking stick. ALWAYS take at least 2 bottles of water. Try and hike early when it's cool if your hiking in summertime. Horses are also allowed on the trail and always have right of way. You'll hardly ever see one though. In the spring there is a fantastic display of flowers on the south side of the 1st peak as you descend. Bring your camera. You should use hiking shoes because the ground can be a little slippery with fine granite/dirt. Beware of snakes when spring time comes. Always look at the ground ahead of you to be safe. There is other wild life there as well. I have seen both snakes and a bobcat once. If you are challenged by a stair stepper machine then this may be a challenge for you. Be careful. The back section will kick your butt. Knees will be challenged coming down the trail. Other than those words of practical caution, Enjoy!