| - Boo on you!
I think Chipotle has just gone down hill. You know what Chipotle feels like to me? Pop culture...they coax you in with great deals, giving you as much food as you want, no complaints they have a "it's all about the customer" feel...they start to take over in popularity, everyone loves them, raves about them: they're healthy, they use organic ingredients, they are such big burritos!...but then a shift starts to take place...employees start to cut back on the good offers, not all stores, but some started to hesitate when you ask for more meat/beans, they bang the spoon a few more times to get just a little more beans or meat off....and then BAM! You're getting charged close to $2 extra for 4 more pieces of meat!! The extra charge for meat isn't even listed on the menu (but they do list the extra charge for their sucky guacamole).
In short, they took a great idea, watered it down, inflated the prices, and made their bottom line more important than customer satisfaction.
Piss on you Chipotle and everything like you.