edit: and now it's gone
I hope they're making those great slaws somewhere else.
The sides the sides the sides.
Love the different slaws (get the tropical slaw!), the green pea hummus, the sweet potato fries.
The fish is always good and fresh, the batters can be heavy - but you can just pick it off and enjoy the fish and the sides sides sides.
It's comparatively new to the Riverdale diner landscape (like less than a decade - brand-new in Riverdale language), but feels like it's been there forever and belongs there.
Staffing can be a bit weird sometimes. I think they're all somehow related, and they can get into somewhat personal squabbles on occasion - and no one's ever in a rush.
It's about the fresh fish and the sides sides sides (go with enough people to order them all - but not so many people that you can't sample all the sides)