Were visiting friends in tdot and they said, "Hey, let's go for sushi. We know an excellent spot and we've been going there for years"
To them, we said, "Ok. sounds good."
To each other, we said, "Sure hope they know what they're talking about cause I can't stomach another lousy sushi dinner when the other couple picks the restaurant."
Walk in the door and the first thing we notice is that this sushi joint has room for approximately 10 patrons at a time. Good sign. Second thing we notice is that there's a wall of boxed chopsticks behind the sushi bar for the regular patrons. We sit down and the waiter brings over two boxes with our friends' names on them. Another good sign. They are definitely regulars. Feeling relieved, we let our friends order for the table.
Within minutes, a parade of delicious fish begins making its way to our table. Every single thing they ordered was fresh and tasty. You know the expression "making someone eat their words"? Well, that's pretty much exactly what happened here. Talking smack about other people's regular sushi joint and having it turn out to be fantastic? I can admit when I'm wrong. And can't wait to go back the next time I'm in town.