| - I love Planet Hollywood because of the Miracle Mile shops and it has Britney Spears key cards to enter the rooms and Britney Spears on every wall and elevator and pictures of her everywhere and basically it's Planet Britney, not Planet Hollywood; however, the staff are the worst. THE WORST. Rude, stupid, unknowledgeable, unwilling to give out any information pertaining to anything relevant regarding the hotel and its services. The Bell staff all yelled at me in unison just because I flipped a bitch so that I could get this parking spot I wanted and was dodging their cones like an obstacle course. When they yelled, I went faster. Then after I parked I walked up to them and said, "motherfucker, don't you EVER tell me what to do." The manager is horrible. He kept acting like he didn't hear anything when Pauline was asking him directions. When she got sarcastic because he was being condescending, she came back at him worse and he kept advancing the banter into a territory no other manager would go. Unprofessional and lazy. But, I love Britney Spears, so it's alright this time.