To start: you sit on hard plastic or metal folding chairs. They have people so packed in that there is no place to walk to the chairs. A drunk woman stepped on my foot and sat in my lap. The guy next to me (the chairs are zip tied together) was taking up about 1/4 of my seat as well. Think airplane seating but smaller. No arena seating, all shitty chairs are just placed in front of each other. I missed a lot, because I couldn't see.
Performers were the only thing that saved this, they were amazing. But the host's jokes were just super tired, boring garbage. Some highlights of "jokes" told at the 8/9 performance "look two gay guys, you know they do each other in the butt" and "I love Nazis" using a racist Asian accent at a woman on stage and demeaning Asian performers calling them "ching Chong" I guess you can just get on a stage and use an Asian "accent" and it counts as humor. Hosts' took the show from amazing to trash, made it difficult to enjoy, especially after listening to them demean the acrobats.