Coming from the suburban Land of the Mega Grocery Store, this one disappoints severely. I've had naught but trouble in finding whatever I happen to be looking for in this store, be they Pizza Pops (a request of a friend), toothpicks or anything in between. Asking the staff tends to be an exercise in futility - they haven't a clue either. Also, it seems as though fully a quarter of the frozen food section is devoted to frozen pizza. That's a tad excessive.
The elusive stocks could be due to an attempt to bring forth a great variety of product in a small (by my mega supermarket standards) space - the result, though, seems to be a wall of noise, where seemingly totally unrelated products occupy adjacent shelf space, and it's solely your responsibility to remember which way is up.
What I'm trying to say is: this place confuses me and makes me wish I was back in the suburbs at a properly-sized Sobeys. It's better by far than the Tuck Shop and Rabba for grocery shopping, but in my mind still leaves much to be desired.