| - Rising Sun is the best dojo in the valley. Here is why:
1.) you, your kids, whoever, will learn real life lessons about confrontation and fighting.
2.) Sensei Vandenover has over 40 years experience. People would kill to have that sort of wisdom. Next best thing is to learn from it. Jovial joking guy, but he knows how to get the best out of his students and he will push you until you reach your potential.
3.) very open dojo, lots of room, lots of mirrors, tons of equipment to use, and most importantly: no weird dojo smell.
4.) You will learn self-discipline that will spill into your own life and only enrich it more.
5.) you will get into excellent shape. Excellent physical shape leads to excellent mental health. It all ties together.
6.) Sensei will be your friend, your family, your life coach. This man has seen me sweat, bleed, and cry. He has been a father when I needed it, a mentor, a personal trainer, and a friend.
Give this place a try. You will get trained the right way, and it will improve all areas of your life. This is not a place to go if you detest hard work, and don't cheat yourself out of a good workout, it defeats the purpose. You will all love it here.