As others have stated, it's wonderful to work with bunnies and learn to care for them. My high schooler started going there to earn community service hours and she loved taking care of the bunnies and learning their personalities. She loved it so much she overbooked herself and had to send an email (as requested) to change her schedule. She received a response email thanking her for letting them know. The next time she went in to volunteer, she was chastised for NOT letting them know and that she couldn't come back if it happened again. When she stated that she had sent an email and received a response, she was told they never got it! A few weeks later, we had a schedule conflict so I called them since emailing didn't work. I was told that my daughter should email them about the cancellation and when I explained what happened before, she said that she was given the wrong date (huh?). Then she said that my daughter was obviously 'not a good fit'.
Must be nice to have so many volunteers that you can kick someone out for doing what they were told to! Overall, nice working with the animals but the people in charge are rude, condescending, and completely unreliable.