I'm not a huge football fan but since the Raiders announced they'll be coming to Vegas, I started watching games casually. In the same way, I casually strolled into The Raider Image at Town Square. It's not yet on the directory/map but you can find it on the northside of the loop between Brio and CPK.
A straight up Raiders merch shop: t-shirts, jackets, jerseys, hats, and almost every accessory you can think of - there's even what looks like a Louis Vuitton handbag in a closed display case. There's a tv on the wall showing the game, though I expected to see a bigger space with maybe a section to hang out.
Walking around Town Square with my new t-shirt (currently Nike stuff is 25% off), I found a building on the other side of Brio that has a huge Raiders logo. Looked unused and empty but could this be that bar hangout?