I really do enjoy Starbucks beverages, but the State Street location is never a fun experience. It's always crowded (never any seats) and the staff seem to be very transient/apathetic to customers.
On a recent visit, they had a promotion where they were giving stickers when you bought a holiday beverage. The cashier told me he couldn't give me a sticker because "they were out." The promotion earned you a free holiday beverage for every 5 you bought. Rather than contacting a manager or giving me a discount, he simply told me it wasn't his problem.
On a different visit, the baristas were talking about some of the items in the display case and saying how terribly they taste. I'll be the first to admit that I don't love all the Starbucks food, but if I was working there, I don't think I'd be broadcasting that audibly enough for customers to hear.
If you want Starbucks and you're downtown, go to the one on MLK near the Capitol.