We always drive past this mall, and never gave it a second thought until we saw the sign hanging in front of Emperor for the $2.98 everyday dim sum special.
This special is only valid if paid in cash, but it's an all day special which allows for a lot more flexibility in meet ups. We all want that early bird special, but we also always have that one person in our group that just can't get up in time (I'm guilty of that at times)
The food came out quite quickly. Overall the food didn't really wow me, but also was not bad. It's definitely a very solid "good" dim sum place for what your paying and getting. I would say a solid 3.5 stars. Its not as glamorous as other places, but also doesn't hurt the wallet.
It has the usual selection of dim sum fare, and did everything well enough that i could find little to no fault.
The service was surprisingly good for a dim sum place. The waiters and the people handling the orders were quite synced up and friendly.
I wouldn't hesitate to come back if i had a hankering for some good dim sum, but if your looking to impress some older asian parents you may want to look elsewhere, but also spend more too.