| - I used to be a big fan of the old Malt Shop in Yorkville, before it was demolished and turned into a condo. Since then... WHOA, over 15 years ago! ...I have missed visiting a place to have a Malt or a float in Toronto in a venue that had that 50's Retro vibe.
Now, the new and as far as I know, only Retro 50's malt shop in town is quite the location. Strong reds and a bright white accent can be found throughout the decor, not to mention the staff's uniforms and soda hats, it all has that cute kitsch factor. They do focus on drinks but have a few select pastries to pick and choose, although not many.
During the Summer, Bickford park across the street is a wonderful place to go and sit if you want to avoid remaining indoors while a beautiful sunny day blasts outside. In fact, I used to do this very thing when I used to visit the previous 2 cafe joints that used to exist on this very location in the last 3 years.
Now, the reason why I am bringing this up is because the B&B location is fairly removed from any major hub like the Annex to the north, Little Italy to the South and the Harbord Village near Spadina, and as such I can only imagine that outside locals, traffic would be in general, very slow. Which is something that perhaps is reflected in their prices.
Since visiting in the past, I have noticed their prices slowly crawl their way up to the point that it is getting hard to justify, the trip, the limited goods, smallish space and the drinks themselves. Even when you take into consideration the friendly staff.
I mean, $8 for a float? $7 for a malt?
Come on.
Even here in the Yelp photos of this establishment, another Yelper took photos of when floats where $5.25, that is around a 50%+ increase and the place has not even been open a year. Whether the pricing had not been finalized in the Summer or they discovered they are not selling enough, those prices will hurt their bottom line.
Since most people will start to think of them less as something to have often, 'cause they are delicious, and think of them as something to have seldomly as a "special treat." Again, hurting their bottom line, since really, the main reason most customers would come and what sets them apart is NOT their drip coffee.
I am certain their overhead is higher than a regular coffee shop, the location they are now has been known for having higher than usual turnover possibly due to limited traffic and I doubt their locals will be buying $8 floats for their families on every visit.
Although the B&B is cute, has that retro charm and the couple who owns it are very friendly...
where they stand now, I do see them having issues in the future if they continue at those prices.
I wish them the best.