| - I entered Nicholas Hoare on a hot day, lured in by their cheeky sandwich board: "We have air conditioning!" Well played, good sirs.
I was pleasantly greeted by a beautiful, wood paneled shop, playful jazz music, and front facing books (as many of the reviewers have also expressed much delight over.) Having the books displayed with their covers forward as works of art was a very nice touch; I delighted in recognizing cover artwork drawn by graphic artists Joe Sacco and Jason, and though I don't remember the book titles or didn't buy any of those books, the visual interest was enough for me to pick them up and leaf through with verified curiosity. It was much the same throughout the rest of the store as artwork after artwork caught my eye and prompted a curious venture into this fiction and that graphic novel. All this accompanied by floating jazz music, the scent of leather and wood, and (thank goodness!) air conditioning.
I guess what I'm trying to say is good job, Nicholas Hoare and staff, on providing a bookstore browsing experience unlike any other I've experienced. I'll be back.