| - Ok, so Phoenix has a lot of consignment shops, but this is the first one I've seen that sticks to outdoor gear and attire. Despite the simplicity of the buy, sell, consign idea, this outfit has a lot of nice stuff and Matt is super easy to work with. He's an honest guy with a great personality plus the business and outdoor knowledge to make this a success. It's finally nice to meet a serious cyclist and shop owner in AZ that does not have the "elitist" attitude. Matt is pretty laid back, polite, and humble.
Onto the merchandise.
If you're into the reduce, reuse, recycle idea this is your place. If you're into new stuff, this is also your place. The two times visiting the shop, I have found gear and books for cycling, skiing, kayaking , camping, hiking, and more. Obviously Matt stocks more used items because that is the business model, but you can find some quality new cycle clothing and parts. Here is also where the beauty of the shop exists, every time you visit Salvation Outdoors there is going to be new gear and inventory that could be perfect for your next adventure. Don't quote me on this, but my guess is that Matt also has the ability to order new items from suppliers. One area that I will definitely mention is the bike service. Matt has all the tools to do simple repairs or major overhauls. He was reworking a bottom bracket the first time I stopped in. The prices he mentioned for both services are reasonable and even a little less then I've seen at other shops in town. Across the board, prices are very fair and I noticed some downright bargains while perusing.
Pictures just don't do this place justice. If you're in the neighborhood, do yourself a favor and stop in for 15 minutes. You might just find what you're looking for.
Looking forward to see if any groups begin using Salvation Outdoors as their safe haven to kicking off week night and weekend group exercise events. If anyone in the neighborhood is interested in starting a meetup here, shoot me a message and we'll get something in the books.