I love Barnes & Noble. Ever since Borders has closed, I feel almost like I need to keep supporting this place. If only to have some B&M bookstores left in the world. This location is always great. The people who work there are awesome, friendly and even some are funny. I have never not been able to find a book. The Starbucks in there is always great as well. I might just live here if they'd let me. If you get a Member Card, you can get like 40% off Hardcover Bestsellers, 10% off other books, Discounts on the Nook readers, and (I believe) 10% off Starbucks purchases. It's $25 for the year. I thought it was worth it. It'll pay for itself in a short while, if you buy a good amount of books. In short, 9 times out of 10 I can find the book cheaper and have it delivered in a day from Amazon, but the personal experiences and great service are enough to justify the few bucks of a premium you'd spend here.