| - We have been taking our dogs here for probably 12 years, and for the most part have had decent service, but this most recent time we decided to not go back. Our dog is getting older (as evident by the fact we have been coming here for 12 years) and the longer she goes without getting groomed, the harder it is on her. At her last appointment we made the next appointment to come in, because they get busy and it can be difficult to get an appointment on short notice, and didn't realize until a few days beforehand that the date written on the card was Thanksgiving. Without looking at a calendar we had just assumed it was the day before Thanksgiving, and upon realizing the mistake, called and left a message to figure out what happened. As a side note, it can be difficult to change plans or come in on short notice because we both work full time. We didn't get a call returning our message until after 2pm the day before Thanksgiving, and at this point it was too late to do anything about it. Also, they typically call the day before the appointments, but had apparently forgotten to do so the day before. I understand this is a courtesy, but nonetheless with no call and the wrong date written on the card it was sort of a perfect storm. We can't wait another three months for an appointment, as I said going that long without grooming is just too hard on our senior dog, so we have to find a new place, because we have to schedule our time around taking the dog to the groomer, and can't do so when the scheduling is so unreliable.